Does your dual language library function as it should?
If your school is completely dual language, your library should be too! Students should have access to books in both of the target languages throughout the library. It is not uncommon to find books in dual language schools separated by language. When we treat a student as bilingual, we give them access to materials in both of the languages in which they are learning. Separating non-English books lowers the status of that language. It is also important for your students to be checking out materials in both of their languages every week.
The library budget should be spent on acquiring new materials in both languages. In fact, more money may need to be allocated for books in the non-English language. This is because most libraries have more books in English, and the books in others languages tend to be more expensive. Periodicals, e-books, and reference materials should also be available in the two languages. The trend in education today is toward more informational text. Libraries need to adjust to this change by purchasing more non-fiction materials in the languages taught at their schools.
If possible, a bilingual librarian should be on staff. This person will be able to teach the lessons and to read to the students in whichever language is needed. This will ensure that the students are receiving the proper ratio of instructional minutes in each language.
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